Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Southeast Regionals: Day One

Did someone say free Chick-fil-A? Dress like a cow day, which Chick-fil-A always seems to time to coincide with baseball season, meant Tuesday's journey to regionals started with the cow:

As Coach Kevin wheeled the team van out of the parking lot at Crossroads--with multiple police cars carefully tracking the vehicle's every move--we received numerous condolences from parents of players who thought we were in for a raucous three-hour drive to Williamsburg for the Southeast Regionals.

They didn't count on technology.

For the first 90 minutes, the van was virtually silent, as everyone was too busy playing their phones, iPads, Gameboys and Ataris (oh wait, those last two were Coach Kevin and Coach Adam). But after a brief travel stop for a bathroom break sugar fix, things livened up. 

The regional playlist is currently 17 songs strong. But you know what the biggest hit of the trip turned out to be? This one:

A video posted by West Raleigh 11u (@westraleigh11u) on

That's right, songs from Frozen. With 11-year-olds, you just never know.

The evening's activities included team check-in for the regional, along with a not-announced home run competition and opening ceremonies. Once West Raleigh found out there was a homer contest, they decided, well, they might as well win it. Chace took first place and Gavin took third.

Because 11U Blue knew nothing about the home run contest, they showed up at the location with no bats. This makes it a little tough to hit home runs, even for Chace and Gavin. So a frantic call was placed to Coach Kevin, Coach Eric and Coach John, who were in the middle of some very important socializing. They put their socializing back in the cooler and sprinted to the field, where they arrived just in time with the bats. Meanwhile, some of the rest of us were having a very manly dinner, just sitting around with the fellas and, you know, doing what fellas like to do:

Back at the field, each team picked a representative to read the Babe Ruth baseball pledge. Asher was chosen for our team, so he had to do some practicing with lots of encouragement:

Games tomorrow will be at 10 and 4:30. Should I be concerned that, as of 9:30 p.m.,  this is a live look at our hotel room air conditioner?

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